Task: To form a manufacturing cell and ramp up production to approximately 2x the current maximum output capability in order
to match Customer requirements on-time-in-full.
Approach: A small multifunctional project team was formed from a selection of operators and cell support
staff to develop the Concept
Design for the new output levels in a 1-week breakthrough activity - to present-back to the senior team and the workforce at the Friday shift change! The main steps were as follows:
- Train the team in the essential tools from the Lean Toolkit
- Agree the approach and deliverables for the week
- Gather the data from the existing process steps; process times (man & m/c) equipment & tooling
facility requirements, exiting performance data, safety and quality procedures, Customer & Supplier Logistics.
- Develop the TAKT time as the target drum beat
- Develop operational scenarios within this drum-beat to optimise work-balancing,
- Layout equipment in the most comfortable and safe manner to suit the proposed manning scenarios, and enable
effective materials input and output to the operational cell
- Review all aspects of the Operating Concept to ensure it is robust and the team are confident in their
proposals: the Layout, Manpower plans, Cycle times Vs Takt, Materials 'in' and 'out' etc. NOTE This step in the process is the 'reality check' and involved a wider review amongst other key
- Finalise Proposals and Layout Drawings
- Create the presentation for ALL Stakeholders, the seniors and the factory at the same session in a convenient
area of the factory (~120 people)
- Finalise the Concept Design following inputs received and create a plan for the changes
Smooth and successful ramp-up to meet the challenging
output requirements, achieved within 2 months, to the delight of the senior team and Customer alike.